Megatron the Decepticon Takes on "El Mundo"

This is my interpretation of the world that is in front of me as I travel down through Central and South America with my good friend Mere. My writing may not be the most clear but if you know me you will most likely understand it all.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Montezuma a Jaco

We are now at the beach in Jacó it has been a long week so far or atleast I think it has been a week. I have looked at a clock once since we have been gone but I have a few time references. There is the tide and the sun and on a occasion my stomach lets me know its time for a meal.

There has been some most memorable highlights so far. We left San Jose basically when we arrived and took a bus then a ferry then a bus and met up with our friends Wakan and Kelsy in Montezuma. We then spent many following days there. Our little group definitely became the life of the town for the short while. There weren't a lot of tourists and in our little spot we didnt have to go far maybe 50 feet to get ocean, sand, food, music and fun liquid refreshments. The people we met were all very nice as well. We made many local friends and we hung out with many nights over and during the day we would see them in town and act like old friends.

I wore my shoes one time I believe for a hike up to a waterfall. It was gorgeous and the swimming was top of the line. We also saw some brave locals jump from the tops of some of the falls which fell like 75feet maybe. It was crazy. We had our first monkey sighting there and there were many, very cute I might add.

A couple of other interesting things: There are a lot of people fishing on the beach with fishing line attached to board. we were hanging on the beach and one pulled in a manta rey. It was huge and looked rather sad to me lying on its back. I went over to watch them throw it back in but when one of the guys grabbed its tail and started twisting it around I had to walk away. I should have assumed that they would not throw it back but I had a little bit of a hard time then again you know me Ms. Sensitive. Another night, in the middle of the night we were on the beach again (imagine that) and a sea turtle crawled up to lay her eggs. When she was done she burried her eggs and left. The second she left a teenage boys started pulling them all up. He gathered about five. Once again i had to walk away. As much as everyone told me that of course none of the eggs would survive there anyways I did not want to see why they didn't.

The turtle was beautiful and seemed so gentle I felt like it was a gift from her to allow us to be present however I have to remeber that life is not paradise and perfect anywhere. I have a lot to learn about the world and I am so excited for it and also a little aprehensive because I know that there will be some very hard things in frontof me.

We are in Jacó now and the town is a bit more sleezy. Kelsy and I had the pleasure to be photographed by three fourteen year old boys with an obviously stolen camera while we were all backpacked up. It was not the most pleasant. We will stay here tonight and tomorrow we are headed to Monte Verde up north to hang out with our friend Zach from Eugene who works with a tourist company up there. Then we will say good bye to Kelsy and Wakan and Mere and I shall move on. ok until next time.

Friday, September 15, 2006

The adventures have begun!

Let me offer this precedent before I begin: The blogs that you are about to read mixed up and a little bit confusing. I apologize now for those that get discouraged but you must understand that I am just writing what is around me. If you have ever read a email or letter that I have written you would be prepared and understand that I tend to write these things the way I think. Yes I did go to college and got pretty decent grades however, If I am not being graded I enjoy writing a lot more when I am just putting down what comes to me. Maybe for some of you it will be an interesting insight to the world of Meagan or maybe it will just add a little extra entertainment to your life every once in a while.

I am currently in San Diego on the edge of departure with Meredith. (for those of you that do not know her she is my head of reason when needed and my guide to chaos when also required. I have known her since she was in her mama's belly and we reconnected in later years to re establish the strong connection we had.) Anyways we are here in San Diego at our good friend Andy's house. We are visiting three friends that we have here and it has been a wonderful time to have before we step on that plane.

From here on out I have no expectations that come what may and may i enjoy what comes. There is a lot to be seen and a lot to learn. I hope that i will gather as much as I can carry and know that beyond that there is no limit. I love you all and please check in on me from time to time. I will keep you posted as often as possible.