Megatron the Decepticon Takes on "El Mundo"

This is my interpretation of the world that is in front of me as I travel down through Central and South America with my good friend Mere. My writing may not be the most clear but if you know me you will most likely understand it all.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


After a few wonderful days wandering around northern Argentina we headed over to the border of Paraguay. We were met there by Rocio´s cousins who have been living in Asuncion for the last three years. Celeste the most wonderful woman currently pregnant with her third child. Her and Eugenio have two boys Gui and Nico. Gui is 6 and Nico is 9. We spent 6 wonderful days at their house being treated like family.

This was a different experience from our normal backpackers routine of a hostal and a lot of walking. Celeste and Eugenio own their own business and live rather far outside of the city. We spent much of our weekend at their beautiful home swiming in the pool and relaxing doing our best to avoid the heat and dengue filled mosquitos.

They showed us wonderful hospitality and spening time with a family on this trip has always been a refresher. They took care of us and I will forever remember them as my paraguayan family.

After we left their wonderful home we headed to the border of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil to experience the water filled Iguazu. Now for those who dont know what is the cataratas de Iguazu it is the biggest waterfall I have ever seen and by far the most breathtaking. It takes two days to see these immense falls. One day on the Brazil side and one day on the Argentine side. Order doesnt matter though we chose the Brazil side first due to external circumstances.

El lado de Brazil: The trail head to the falls is surrounded by green. Through the trees we (Debbie, Rocio and I) got a glimpse of what lay ahead and from all the pictures I had seen I could still not believe what was in front of me. Breathtaking the number of waterfalls that there were and the expanse it took of my vision.

So we commenced the trail where we were educated on the brilliance of butterflies. They were everywhere. The trail was dilled with them and lixards. It was about a two hour walk down the trail with every lookout point getting more and more spectaculaar. Bringing us closer and closer to one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Finally we got to the closest one and I dont know how to explain the spider web of falls that stared back at me.

We were over some in front of others and ever more on eitrher side and behind. I had a feild day with pictures and moments. The sounds and sights of the water pouring down were fantastic then I looked across and saw hundreds of Butterflies circling a plant loiooking like glitter dust filling the air. Not to mention being showered bu the spray of the falls the entire time. The only way we were able to finally leave was knowing that we would be seeing them again from the other side.

El lado Argentino: This side is a bit different. Instead of one trail there are many and many different angles from which to view the falls. The first step is a small train to a trail where you wak to an overhanging over the largest of the falls. On the way you find yourself covered from head to toe with licking butterflies and everyone in a while over the edge you can dind a little crocodile.

When we reached the falls Debbie and I ran to the edge to be engulfed by the spray. I found myself lost in the falling water trying to target individual drops. We spent a good hour staring and posing and awing at the greatness. Finally we made our way back on the trail to the train and got off halfway back for another trail to go to some other falls. Finally we arrived at the boats which we had bought a very expensive ticket for.

The ride was short and in the end not necesarily worth it. But I can say that I went inside the falls at Iguazu. The boat carries you under the falls about two times and you leave completely drenched.

Afterwards there were a few more views to experience and then I think our legs just couldnt take any more. Not to mention the overwhelming sensation in all of my senses so we finally headed back


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