Megatron the Decepticon Takes on "El Mundo"

This is my interpretation of the world that is in front of me as I travel down through Central and South America with my good friend Mere. My writing may not be the most clear but if you know me you will most likely understand it all.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Back in Taganga

Well after I said Good-bye to Meredith for the second time as she continued to make her way to the Ecuador border I headed back up to my favorite little fishing town Taganga for some wonderful relaxation. There were no big adventures just a lot of love from a wonderful family.

I went to visit the family I had stayed with before where I was welcomed by a houseful of artisans currently staying there. It didnt take long for them to convince me to unload by backpack and stay a while. So I stayed for a week and a half.

Some highlights:

Spending time talking with Monica Piro, a magical women mother of 5 and head of the household.

Learning different styles of bracelet making from artisans from all over South America.

Hanging out with my adorable new neices Shaharty and Amber, 9 and 7, who always had something fun to share with me.

Making wonderful friends who I would meet up with later in Bogota and stay connected with for most likely a lifetime.

Burning dolls at midnight on New Years to let go of the past and embrace the future.

Spening many days on Playa Grande doing absolutely nothing.

Taking out the little boat to Cruise the vacant and immensly beautiful beaches.

Nights with a house full of people sharing stories and playing games while drinking hot cups of Agua de Panela.

Cooking dinners for my wonderful Colombian Family, guess what friends I can actually cook some decent meals.

Dancing Salsa at El Garage

Helping Bernardo take pictures of Taganga for his shirt making business.

Crying with the whole family when it was time to say good-bye knowing that once again I couldnever forget them.

After I said my good-byes I realized that I was on my own. The next five days gave me some good quality Meagan Time.


  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger werd said…

    Are you sticking to local ingredients? Have you impressed anybody with your Thai (Japanese too) culinary skills? You know Saman is still threatoning to start his cooking show (Wok with Saman). You should one-up him and popularize it all over.

    BTW, it is refreshing to read your non-edited blogg. With the writing I do for school I have become quite a snob about double checking spelling, grammer and syntaxt. This time, I am just not going to do it, and feel great.


  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I miss my "good quality Megan time"! I love reading your adventures and look forward to pictures.
    love ya,

  • At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love reading your stories have such a way of painting a picture that I don't miss the photos like I otherwise might. I envy your magical adventures and can't wait to hear more soon! Hopefully our roles will continue to be reversed time and again, so that we can continuously show eachother the world! Te extrano mucho! Wakan


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