Megatron the Decepticon Takes on "El Mundo"

This is my interpretation of the world that is in front of me as I travel down through Central and South America with my good friend Mere. My writing may not be the most clear but if you know me you will most likely understand it all.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

la vida de una vagabunda

Insight into Meagans random thoughts

-My backpack is my castle. The less I own the more I cherish and enjoy what is around me. When I look inside my backpack each night it feels like a world of jewels is opening up to me. I dont know I cant explain it.

-Every traveler has a different path. The comings and goings inside a hostel are very fascinating. Single travelers looking for someone to connect with. People from all parts of the world in completely different moments along their journey connect in this one spot and stop for a while. Get to know eachother. Laugh and become instant best friends. I love it.

-Life is so good right now I think I wont mess with it. Last night- 1am i boated from one island to the next. I looked up from the boat and saw the sky filled with more stars than I knew existed. You know when you see even the little clusters of stars that seem really far away. Then I looked down from the boat and saw fosforescents over the entire sea bottom. They glowed like stars so I was completely surrounded by one large night sky.

-I knew the sickness would come eventually. I have had my first bouts with strange illnesses and learned that the life of a teveler aint all peaches and cream. I got something, dont know what it is, but its something. Well it could be gone now who really knows these things. But throwing up after not having done it for something like 10 years is not the most pleasant.

-Silence is precious. A fellow traveler and I got onto talking about lessons of world, you know the usual. I came to understand that being silent is amazingly fullfilling. There is no need to worry that those are around me are being entertained. I get to spend a lot fo time being silent and I
rather like it.

-Meredith rocks. I lucked out on the company that I get out here. Meredith has proved to be an ideal travel partner. There is no way to avoid certain things when you are spending so much time with another person but for whatever reason I have no complaints so far. I can dish out some good crap and she handles it nicely. We seem to have a good even trade going on and it has added to my experiences immensly.


  • At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have to say this is my favorite blog yet! It really sums up all aspects. You put into words many of the same feelings I had when traveling.
    love ya,


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